androguard cg - Create Call Graph from APK

androcg can create files that can be read using graph visualization software, for example gephi.


Usage: androguard cg [OPTIONS] [APK]

  Create a call graph and export it into a graph format.


      $ androguard cg APK

  -o, --output TEXT           Filename of the output file, the extension is
                              used to decide which format to use (default
                              callgraph.gml)  [default: callgraph.gml]
  -s, --show TEXT             instead of saving the graph, print it with
                              mathplotlib (you might not see anything!)
  -v, --verbose               Print more output
  --classname TEXT            Regex to filter by classname  [default: .*]
  --methodname TEXT           Regex to filter by methodname  [default: .*]
  --descriptor TEXT           Regex to filter by descriptor  [default: .*]
  --accessflag TEXT           Regex to filter by accessflags  [default: .*]
  --no-isolated / --isolated  Do not store methods which has no xrefs
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


The call graph is constructed from the Analysis object and then converted into a networkx DiGraph. Note that calls between methods are only added once. Thus, if a method calls some other method multiple times, this is not saved.

The methods to construct the callgraph from can be filtered. It is highly suggested to do that, as call graphs can get very large:


Of course, you can export the call graph with androguard and filter it later.

Here is an example of an already filtered graph, visualized in gephi. Each node has an attribute to indicate if it is an internal (defined somewhere in the DEXs) or external (might be an API, but definetly not defined in the DEXs) method. In this case all green nodes are internal and all red ones are external. You can see the calls of some SMS Trojan to the API methods to write SMS.
