Getting Started

Using Androguard tools

There are already some tools for specific purposes.

To just decode the AndroidManifest.xml or resources.arsc, there are and To get information about the certificates use

If you want to create call graphs, use, or if you want control flow graphs, you can use

Using Androlyze and the python API

The easiest way to analyze APK files, is by using It will start a iPython shell and has all modules loaded to get into action.

For analyzing and loading APK or DEX files, some wrapper functions exists. Use AnalyzeAPK(filename) or AnalyzeDEX(filename) to load a file and start analyzing. There are already plenty of APKs in the androguard repo, you can either use one of those, or start your own analysis.

Androguard version 3.1.1 started
In [1]: a, d, dx = AnalyzeAPK("examples/android/abcore/app-prod-debug.apk")
# Depending on the size of the APK, this might take a while...

In [2]:

The three objects you get are a an APK object, d an array of DalvikVMFormat object and dx an Analysis object.

Inside the APK object, you can find all information about the APK, like package name, permissions, the AndroidManifest.xml or its resources.

The DalvikVMFormat corresponds to the DEX file found inside the APK file. You can get classes, methods or strings from the DEX file. But when using multi-DEX APK’s it might be a better idea to get those from another place. The Analysis object should be used instead, as it contains special classes, which link information about the classes.dex and can even handle many DEX files at once.

Getting Information about an APK

If you have sucessfully loaded your APK using AnalyzeAPK, you can now start getting information about the APK.

For example, getting the permissions of the APK:

In [2]: a.get_permissions()

or getting a list of all activites, which are defined in the AndroidManifest.xml:

In [3]: a.get_activities()

Get the package name, app name and path of the icon:

In [4]: a.get_package()
Out[4]: 'com.greenaddress.abcore'

In [5]: a.get_app_name()
Out[5]: u'ABCore'

In [6]: a.get_app_icon()
Out[6]: u'res/mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_launcher.png'

Get the numeric version and the version string, and the minimal, maximal, target and effective SDK version:

In [7]: a.get_androidversion_code()
Out[7]: '2162'

In [8]: a.get_androidversion_name()
Out[8]: '0.62'

In [9]: a.get_min_sdk_version()
Out[9]: '21'

In [10]: a.get_max_sdk_version()

In [11]: a.get_target_sdk_version()
Out[11]: '27'

In [12]: a.get_effective_target_sdk_version()
Out[12]: 27

You can even get the decoded XML for the AndroidManifest.xml:

In [15]: a.get_android_manifest_axml().get_xml()
Out[15]: '<manifest xmlns:android="" android:versionCode="2162" android:versionName="0.62" package="com.greenaddress.abcore">\n<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="27">\n</uses-sdk>\n<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET">\n</uses-permission>\n<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE">\n</uses-permission>\n<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE">\n</uses-permission>\n<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE">\n</uses-permission>\n<application android:theme="@7F0F0006" android:label="@7F0E001D" android:icon="@7F0D0000" android:debuggable="true" android:allowBackup="false" android:supportsRtl="true">\n<activity android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.MainActivity">\n<intent-filter>\n<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN">\n</action>\n<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER">\n</category>\n</intent-filter>\n</activity>\n<service android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.DownloadInstallCoreIntentService" android:exported="false">\n</service>\n<service android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.RPCIntentService" android:exported="false">\n</service>\n<service android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.ABCoreService" android:exported="false">\n</service>\n<activity android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.BitcoinConfEditActivity">\n<intent-filter>\n<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT">\n</category>\n<action android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.BitcoinConfEditActivity">\n</action>\n</intent-filter>\n</activity>\n<activity android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.AboutActivity">\n</activity>\n<activity android:label="@7F0E0038" android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.SettingsActivity" android:noHistory="true">\n</activity>\n<activity android:label="@7F0E0035" android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.DownloadSettingsActivity" android:noHistory="true">\n</activity>\n<activity android:theme="@7F0F0006" android:label="@7F0E0036" android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.PeerActivity">\n</activity>\n<activity android:theme="@7F0F0006" android:label="@7F0E0037" android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.ProgressActivity">\n</activity>\n<activity android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.LogActivity">\n</activity>\n<activity android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.ConsoleActivity">\n</activity>\n<activity android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.DownloadActivity">\n</activity>\n<receiver android:name="com.greenaddress.abcore.PowerBroadcastReceiver">\n<intent-filter>\n<action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED">\n</action>\n<action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED">\n</action>\n<action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_SHUTDOWN">\n</action>\n<action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_BATTERY_LOW">\n</action>\n<action android:name="">\n</action>\n</intent-filter>\n</receiver>\n</application>\n</manifest>\n'

Or if you like to use the AndroidManifest.xml as an ElementTree object, use the following method:

In [13]: a.get_android_manifest_xml()
Out[13]: <Element manifest at 0x7f9d01587b00>

There are many more methods to explore, just take a look at the API for APK.

Using the Analysis object

The ~androguard.core.analysis.analysis.Analysis object has all information about the classes, methods, fields and strings inside one or multiple DEX files.

Additionally it enables you to get call graphs and crossreferences (XREFs) for each method, class, field and string.

This means you can investigate the application for certain API calls or create graphs to see the dependencies of different classes.

As a first example, we will get all classes from the Analysis:

In [2]: dx.get_classes()
[<analysis.ClassAnalysis Ljava/io/FileNotFoundException; EXTERNAL>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/content/SharedPreferences; EXTERNAL>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/support/v4/widget/FocusStrategy$BoundsAdapter;>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/support/v4/media/MediaBrowserCompat$MediaBrowserServiceCallbackImpl;>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/support/transition/WindowIdImpl;>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/media/MediaMetadataEditor; EXTERNAL>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/support/v4/app/BundleCompat$BundleCompatBaseImpl;>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/support/transition/MatrixUtils$1;>,
 <analysis.ClassAnalysis Landroid/support/v7/widget/ShareActionProvider;>,

As you can see, get_classes() returns a list of ClassAnalysis objects. Some of them are marked as EXTERNAL, which means that the source code of this class is not defined within the DEX files that are loaded inside the Analysis. For example the first class is an API class.

A ClassAnalysis does not contain the actual code but the ClassDefItem can be loaded using the get_vm_class():

In [5]: dx.get_classes()[2].get_vm_class()
Out[5]: <dvm.ClassDefItem Ljava/lang/Object;->Landroid/support/v4/widget/FocusStrategy$BoundsAdapter;>

If the class is EXTERNAL, a ExternalClass is returned instead.

The ClassAnalysis also contains all the information about XREFs, which are explained in more detail in the next section.


Consider the following Java source code:

class Foobar {
    public int afield = 23;

    public void somemethod() {
        String astring = "hello world";

class Barfoo {
    public void othermethod() {
        Foobar x = new Foobar();



There are two classes and the class Barfoo instanciates the other class Foobar as well as calling methods and reading fields.

XREFs are generated for four things:

  • Classes
  • Methods
  • Fields
  • Strings

XREFs work in two directions: xref_from and xref_to. To means, that the current object is calling another object. From means, that the current object is called by another object.

All XREFs can be visualized as an directed graph and if some object A is contained in the xref_to, the called object will contain A in their xref_from.

In the case of our Java example, the string astring is called in Foobar.somethod, therefore it will be contained in the xref_to of Foobar.somethod.

The Field afield will be contained in the xref_to of Barfoo.othermethod as well as the call to Foobar.somethod.