
There are several ways how to install androguard.

Before you start, make sure you are using a supported python version! For Windows, we recommend using the Anaconda python 3.6.x package.


The magic library might not work out of the box. If your magic library does not work, please refer to the installation instructions of python-magic.


The usual way to install a python packages is by using and it’s package installer pip. Just use

$ pip install -U androguard[magic,GUI]

to install androguard including the GUI and magic file type detection. In order to use features which use dot, you need Graphviz installed. This is not a python dependency but a binary package! Please follow the installation instructions for GraphvizInstall.

You can also make use of an virtualenv, to separate the installation from your system wide packages:

$ virtualenv venv-androguard
$ source venv-androguard/bin/activate
$ pip install -U androguard[magic,GUI]

pip should install all required packages too.

Debian / Ubuntu

Debian has androguard in its repository. You can just install it using apt install androguard. All required dependencies are automatically installed.

Install from Source

Use git to fetch the sources, then install it. Please install git and python on your own. Androguard requires Python at least 3.4 to work. Pypy >= 5.9.0 should work as well but is not tested.

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd androguard
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv-androguard
$ source venv-androguard/bin/activate
$ pip install .[magic,GUI]

The dependencies, defined in will be automatically installed.

For development purposes, you might want to install the extra dependecies for docs and tests as well:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd androguard
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv-androguard
$ source venv-androguard/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[magic,GUI,tests,docs]

You can then create a local copy of the documentation:

$ python3 build_sphinx

Which is generated in build/sphinx/html.