Crossreferences (XREFs)

Crossreferences or simply XREFs are the main thing which Analysis provides. XREFs are generated for Classes, Methods, Fields and Strings.

Next, we want to show a few usecases for XREFs and how they can be obtained.

Start up a ipython shell using androguard analyze in order to play through the example. We use an example from the androguard repo here:

$ androguard analyze examples/android/TestsAndroguard/bin/TestActivity.apk
Please be patient, this might take a while.
Found the provided file is of type 'APK'
[INFO    ] androguard.analysis: End of creating cross references (XREF)
[INFO    ] androguard.analysis: run time: 0min 00s
Added file to session: SHA256::3bb32dd50129690bce850124ea120aa334e708eaa7987cf2329fd1ea0467a0eb
Loaded APK file...
>>> a
<androguard.core.bytecodes.apk.APK object at 0x000000000581D710>
>>> d
[<androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm.DalvikVMFormat object at 0x000000000D847400>]
>>> dx
<analysis.Analysis VMs: 1, Classes: 495, Strings: 496>

Androguard version 3.3.5 started
In [1]:

Get XREFs for method calls

The first example would be to query all called classes from the class tests.androguard.TestActivity. Remember, that you need to provide the class name as a type format with forward slashes instead of dots. In order to get the class, you can simply use classes or find_classes():

In [4]: dx.classes['Ltests/androguard/TestActivity;']
Out[4]: <analysis.ClassAnalysis Ltests/androguard/TestActivity;>

This will return a ClassAnalysis object. Now you can iterate over all methods inside the class and query for the xrefs (the output is abbreviated):

In [10]: for meth in dx.classes['Ltests/androguard/TestActivity;'].get_methods():
    ...:     print("inside method {}".format(
    ...:     for _, call, _ in meth.get_xref_to():
    ...:         print("  calling -> {} -- {}".format(call.class_name,
inside method testCall1
  calling -> Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; -- toString
  calling -> Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; -- append
  calling -> Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; -- <init>
  calling -> Ljava/io/PrintStream; -- println
inside method testCalls
  calling -> Ljava/lang/Object; -- getClass
  calling -> Ljava/io/PrintStream; -- println
  calling -> Ltests/androguard/TestIfs; -- testIF
  calling -> Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- testCall2

Here you can see, that tests.androguard.TestActivity.testCall1 uses a StringBuilder as well as println. The method testCalls is calling other functions from the same package.

The other way around is also possible. Especially for Android API’s, this is very interesting!


External method, like the API calls, will not give any XREFs for xref_to().

Lets say, you want all calls to the API class

In [3]: dx.classes['Ljava/io/File;']
Out[3]: <analysis.ClassAnalysis Ljava/io/File; EXTERNAL>

In [4]: for meth in dx.classes['Ljava/io/File;'].get_methods():
   ...:     print("usage of method {}".format(
   ...:     for _, call, _ in meth.get_xref_from():
   ...:         print("  called by -> {} -- {}".format(call.class_name,
usage of method getPath
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- <init>
usage of method <init>
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- <init>
usage of method delete
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- failWrite
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- delete
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- delete
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- startWrite
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- openRead
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- finishWrite
usage of method renameTo
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- openRead
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- failWrite
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- startWrite
usage of method exists
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- startWrite
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- openRead
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- startWrite
usage of method getParentFile
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- startWrite
usage of method mkdir
  called by -> Landroid/support/v4/util/AtomicFile; -- startWrite


An external class or method is simply a class or method which could not be found inside the loaded DEX files at the time the XREFs were created! Thus, it is important to always load all DEX files of a multidex file. On the other hand, beware that classes might not be defined as they could be loaded dynamically later. External does not automatically mean that this class/method is an Android or Java API!

Get XREFs for Strings

Next, we want to see where certain strings are used. For example, you found the interesting String 'boom' and would like to know where it is used. You can use either strings or find_strings() to get the proper object for the XREFs:

In [12]: dx.strings['boom']
Out[12]: <analysis.StringAnalysis 'boom'>

The resulting object is of type StringAnalysis.


StringAnalysis does not have a xref_to method, which is obvious, as a String does nothing but is always used.

Now we can call xref_from() to get the usage of the String:

In [14]: for _, meth in dx.strings['boom'].get_xref_from():
    ...:     print("Used in: {} -- {}".format(meth.class_name,
Used in: Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- test_base

So, we know that this specific String is used once in the test_base method.

Get XREFs for Fields

The last XREF we can use are fields. Fields are a little bit different and do not use xref_from and xref_to but xref_read() and xref_write(). You can use the method find_methods() in order to find fields.


Calls to static fields are usually not tracked, as they are optimized by the compiler to const calls!

For example, you want to get the read’s and write’s to the field value inside tests.androguard.TestActivity:

In [25]: for field in dx.find_fields(classname='Ltests/androguard/TestActivity;', fieldname='^value$'):
    ...:     print("Field: {}".format(
    ...:     for _, meth in field.get_xref_read():
    ...:         print("  read in {} -- {}".format(meth.class_name,
    ...:     for _, meth in field.get_xref_write():
    ...:         print("  write in {} -- {}".format(meth.class_name,
Field: value
  read in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- pouet
  read in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- test1
  read in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- test_base
  read in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- testVars
  write in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- <init>
  write in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- pouet2
  write in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- <init>
  write in Ltests/androguard/TestActivity; -- <init>